
Italia76 in Italy we trust

Italia76: in Italy we trust


The decision of Fiat to move its headquarter outisde the italian territory and change its name in FCA have been discussed a lot in these days.
This is a sign of mistrust to the “sistema italia” right when the whole World has its eyes on Italy.
In 2013 , in the World, Google searches on “made ​​in Italy” increased by 12 %, in particular in Japan, Russia, America and India.
Google itself decided to open a website dedicated to the excellence of Made in Italy .

Google Cultural Institute

Among the many excellences a special place is reserved to the food excellence .
The whole world envies and tries to copy our cuisine , sometimes using cheap alternative ingredients that can be dangerous to the health of people as in the cases recently reported by the Financial Times.
Europe recognizes to Italy the role of controlling the food security and has chosen Parma as capital of the European Food Safety Authority

Italia76 trust Italy and believe in the quality of Italian products.

Select for its international customers the best Italian suppliers inspecting and testing all the products before offering them.
It helps small and medium-sized Italian companies in internationalization , offering an online international showroom and participating in the most important fairs in each field , supports them with logistics and in managing all the relationships with the international customers.